- Latest NewsUp-to-date articles giving you information on best practice and policy changes.
- Skills AuditsEvaluate your skills and knowledge, identify gaps and determine training needs.
All the tips and resources you need to maintain robust educational recruitment practice, as well as guidance re interviews, reference checks and induction for teacher and other staff positions.
Schools can use this template to ensure their single central record (SCR) is up-to-date and efficient
New staff won't know why you do what you do unless you make it explicit. Download and adapt this induction planner to ensure key aspects of school life are included
Dai Durbridge answers some common questions about the online recruitment checks guidance, describes the challenges and offers advice for carrying out the searches
Download the template to help create a policy for early career teachers (ECTs) that explains how you will support them during their induction
This policy enables schools to set out how they value and promote equal opportunities in employment for all employees and job applicants, avoiding unlawful discrimination in employment and delivery of services
New staff members need all the relevant information and support to settle quickly into their role and the school. Download this checklist to ensure you have all areas covered
The government recommends that all schools and colleges have a designated mental health lead (DMHL), also known as a designated lead for mental health (DLMH) or wellbeing lead. Kelly Hannagan provides a customisable template to help you compile an appropriate job description
This job description template can be customised to help you recruit both teaching and non-teaching staff
Gill Martindale, senior HR consultant at Browne Jacobson, identifies important considerations when recruiting foreign nationals since the UK's EU exit
Safe recruitment remains a priority, even if it must happen remotely. Gill Martindale, senior HR consultant at Browne Jacobson, outlines ways of ensuring recruitment processes remain robust