- Latest NewsUp-to-date articles giving you information on best practice and policy changes.
- Skills AuditsEvaluate your skills and knowledge, identify gaps and determine training needs.
Performance and accountability measures
Use the below resources to identify areas of improvement through quality assurance processes, policy management and self-evaluation.
Some of the documents and details that maintained schools and academies are required to have must be published on the school website
Ofsted carries out evaluations to explore the quality of education in a MAT. We describe the process, what inspectors may look for and offer questions to consider to help you prepare
Ensuring your staff have capacity to take on a new task is vital to its success and their wellbeing. Josephine Smith provides a checklist to use before a new or revised initiative is introduced
Why are certain rules included in your policy? Olivia Dickinson asks you to examine what is in your policy, why, and suggests what to consider when creating it
Whether you're a maintained school or academy, download and use the compliance checklist for your setting to ensure your website is compliant
A SEF highlights strengths, evidences achievements and identifies areas for development. Download and adapt this template to help you complete your school self-evaluation
A SEF for subject leaders highlights key strengths, evidences achievements and identifies areas for development. Download and adapt this example SEF template to suit your context
The latest white paper aims to help level up across the country by ensuring every child receives the right support, in the right place, at the right time. We outline the main policies
Download and complete this policy tracker spreadsheet to make sure your school policies and statutory documents are up to date
What do you need to consider when growing your multi-academy trust? Stephen Mitchell outlines some common areas that MATs fall down on