The SEND Code of Practice 2015 places more responsibility than ever on teachers for the progress of all pupils in the classroom, including pupils with SEND. Conversely, training for teachers on different types of SEND and how they affect learning can be lacking. All staff need to be aware of practical techniques for overcoming barriers to learning and supporting these pupils to make progress.

This course provides practical training on supporting pupils with specific needs in the mainstream classroom.

Aims and outcomes

  • Develop an inclusive whole-school environment, where the needs of all pupils are carefully considered.
  • Deepen understanding of a range of common special educational needs.
  • Understand and recognise how specific needs impact on the learning of pupils.
  • Know how to support pupils in the classroom and overcome their barriers to learning.

Course content

  • Unit 1: Developing inclusive teaching
    • Unit 2: Identifying SEND need
      • Unit 3: Working with parents
        • Unit 4: Successful classroom partnerships
          • Unit 5: Supporting pupils with autism
            • Unit 6: Supporting sensory and physical impairments
              • Unit 7: Attachment disorders and mental health
                • Unit 8: Supporting pupils with ADHD
                  • Unit 9: Speech, language and communication needs
                    • Unit 10: Dyslexia, dyscalculia and accessing the curriculum


                      Gareth D Morewood is the Educational Advisor at Studio III. He has worked in schools for 25 years, the last 17 of which were as SENCo in a fully inclusive large secondary in the North West.

                      He has extensive experience in supporting schools...

                      Elizabeth is SENCO at St James’ Catholic High School, she has worked in SEN for over 20 years, and in 2012 won the SENCO Award. From 2003 - 2009, Elizabeth was an advisory teacher for speech, language and communication needs at Barnet local...

                      After a career in education and as Head of Child Protection Publishing and Film at the NSPCC, William now works as a freelance specialist editor in the fields of child development, child protection and safeguarding, and other issues affecting...