Leading SEND Provision - Digital - Programme

Thursday 27 Jan 2022 - Thursday 3 Feb 2022
Digital delivery

Module 1: SEND Leadership, Thursday 27 January, 09:00 - 12:30 GMT

The future of SEND leadership (09:00)

Ensure your knowledge of SEND policy is up to date, and understand the current landscape with an eye on the future

Natalie Packer, Education Consultant specialising in SEND

Whole school culture (09:30)

Establish and review your inclusive culture to enable best SEND practice in every classroom

Gareth Morewood, Educational Advisor, Studio III

Ordinarily available provision (10:10)

Implement and monitor high quality teaching, including effective scaffolding

Natalie Packer, Education Consultant specialising in SEND

Break (10:40 - 10:50)

Parents and carers as partners in educational practice (10:50)

Learn useful strategies for working with parents to ensure your students have the best outcomes possible

Debby Elley, Journalist, Author
Gareth Morewood, Educational Advisor, Studio III

Knowing the law (11.30)

Understand the legal issues you might encounter as SEND leader, so you can pragmatically apply the law for your students’ benefit

Richard Freeth, Partner, Browne Jacobson LLP

Thrive as a SEND Leader (12:00)

Gain SMART strategies and manage the SENCO workload

Ginny Bootman, Special Needs Co-ordinator

Module 2: SEND Provision, Thursday 3 February, 09:00 - 12:30 GMT

Attending and thriving (09:00)

Understanding non-attendance and some practical strategies to help your students thrive in school

Dr Ruth Moyse, Associate and Director, AT-Autism

Spotlight on neurodiversity panel (09:40)

Gain insight from our panel of experts on neurodiversity, and how we can close the research to practice gap with workable strategies

Dr Ruth Moyse, Associate and Director, AT-Autism
Andy Smith, Inclusion Ambassador and SEND Advocate at Bury Council, Founder of Spectrum Gaming

Sarah Hopp, Head of Additional Learning Support and Inclusion, St Francis Xavier Sixth Form College

Break (10:40 - 10:50)

SEND mental health and wellbeing: recognising unique identities (10:50)

How we can offer support to young people with SEND but not invalidate their identities

Jo Billington, Doctoral Researcher, Centre for Autism, University of Reading

SEND and cultural identity (11:20)

Learn about barriers facing SEND students in families that are new to the UK and gain strategies to improve access and equity in education

Wendy Conrad, Lecturer, University of Derby

Speech, language and communication needs (11:55)

Identify and assist young people who have difficulty with language to improve their learning experience

Claire Ryan, Founder of @ChatterPackUK and author of ADHD and Me, Student speech & language therapist