Building a High Quality Trust - Programme

Tuesday 19 Mar 2024
The Lowry Hotel, Manchester

Increase your trust capacity and drive improvement, whilst prioritising risk management in a time of uncertainty.


Registration, refreshments and networking (09:00)

Welcome and housekeeping (09:55)

Chair’s welcome and what’s your growth intention? (10:00)

Liz Anderson, Education Leadership Consultant, Former Trust CEO

Lessons from trust growth (10:20)

Discover pitfalls and successes from recent trust growth, including how an approach was made and how the integration process occurred.

Dan Thomas, CEO, The Learning Partnership

How are developing MATs embedding an agile, needs based approach to financial management?

Embed value for money principles into your Trust ethos, curriculum planning and financial planning to ensure that resources are both deliberately allocated and regularly assessed against Trust priorities. This session will outline some of the strategies that developing MATs are using to embed an agile, needs based approach to financial management.

Will Jordan, Co-founder and CEO, IMP Software

Questions and answers (11:10)

Morning refreshments, networking, and exhibition (11:20 – 12:00)

Workshop choices (12:00 – 12:50)

1A. Create a robust financial roadmap for an expanding MAT

As your trust grows, have an effective and efficient long-term strategy in place for stability.

Liam Knowles, Chief Finance and Operations Officer, Leading Learners MAT

1B. Develop and retain high-performing staff

Create an innovative professional learning programme that attracts staff and furthers their growth.

Lisa Fathers, Deputy CEO, Bright Futures Educational Trust

1C. Craft your digital strategy

Develop your vision, transform it into a tangible reality, and understand what effective digital leadership looks like in line with DfE standards.

Ricky Brown, Teacher and Apple Professional Learning Specialist, Sync

Lunch, networking, and exhibition (12:50 – 13:45)

Workshop choices (13:45 – 14:35)

2A. Community collaboration

Deepen roots in your communities, connecting with families and other trusts to strengthen your impact and improve your visibility.

Dr. Aneela Bukhari, Head of Education, Ormiston Trust

2B. Drive school improvement at scale with trust collaboration

Drive your improvement at scale across your schools, ensuring lessons are learned and shared.

Paul K Ainsworth, Director of Education, Infinity Academies Trust

2C. How to get the most from your trustees

Understand your role in improving your setting’s governance, including what trustees should know, and what they should be offering back.

Mark Unwin, CEO, Create Partnership Trust

Afternoon refreshments, networking, and exhibition (14:35 – 14:55)

Resilient organisations start with strong succession plans (14:55)

Develop the next leaders in your trust so you can backfill in case of trust growth, promotion, departure, or absence.

Jonny Uttley, CEO, The Education Alliance

Conference closes (15:30)