Skills audit template for designated safeguarding leads

Download this template to help evaluate the skills and knowledge needed to fulfil the responsibilities of a DSL and maintain robust safeguarding measures

The DSL is expected to: 

  • take responsibility for ensuring the school's safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures are correctly in place
  • be a first point of contact for any member of staff, pupil or parent in the event of a safeguarding concern
  • liaise with external agencies on matters concerning child protection and safeguarding
  • ensure that safeguarding is a whole-school responsibility. 

This audit will help both newly appointed and more experienced DSLs assess their confidence against a range of skills and effective behaviours. 

There is also space to provide an example of when you have demonstrated each skill as part of your role.

Skills audits for school staff

Browse our full list of skills audits and share with your team to evaluate knowledge and skills, identify gaps and determine training needs.

Created by Debs Ward; reviewed and updated by Ella Savell-Boss.

Last Updated: 
13 Aug 2024