Leading Safeguarding 2023 - London - Exhibitors

Wednesday 14 Jun 2023
America Square Conference Centre, London

Thrive - Lead sponsor

Thrive equips teaching staff to help children and young people understand and manage their emotions, so they feel safe, supported, and ready to learn.

Over 50,000 staff in 2,600 schools and settings have received Thrive training, ensuring that 600,000 children and young people aged 0-25 have access to the Thrive Approach.

Thrive offer training, online assessments, and expert strategies for working with pupils to improve attendance, behaviour and attainment (as well as supporting staff wellbeing).

Thrive aligns with Public Health England’s eight principles for a whole school and college approach and supports staff to collect evidence of progress for continuous improvement work and OFSTED inspections.

E: enquiries@thriveapproach.com
T: 01392 797555

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The Student Voice

The Student Voice is an interactive and child-friendly reporting tool empowering over 30,000 young voices and assisting DSLs in effectively preventing future harm.

Through interactive maps, students can RAG rate how safe they feel using a universal traffic light system and report their experiences in any context: at school, in the local community, and at home.

Designed by a DSL, it works around your busy workload, and covers the full range of issues, from sexual harassment to mental health, bullying and online safety.

E: ask@thestudentvoice.co.uk
T: 033 0056 3123

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Zen Educate

Zen Educate is an ethical alternative to traditional supply agencies. Using tech, we match Teachers and TAs directly with schools, cutting out agencies, and saving schools money – all while paying our teachers more. So far, we've saved UK schools over £7 million.

We pride ourselves on being industry leaders in safeguarding, with a vetting approach designed to meet and exceed DfE guidance. You can rest assured that all staff who arrive at your school have been subjected to a rigorous vetting and screening process, as well as mandatory level 2 safeguarding training.

We're passionate about providing quality education for all children, employing a highly experienced team to work with schools across London, Birmingham, Cornwall, Devon, Bristol, Manchester and Leeds. This allows us to match schools with teachers and TAs that are passionate, proactive, and best-suited to their pupils' needs.

E: support@zeneducate.com
T: 02038704413

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The School Consent Project

The Schools Consent Project is a charity founded in 2015 that sends legally trained volunteers into schools to deliver interactive workshops to 11-18 year olds on the definition of consent and key sexual offences.  We also address a number of other issues faced by young people, including bystander intervention, the age of consent and ways to obtain help.

Our aim is to normalise these sorts of conversations amongst young people, make them confident of their legal rights and to empower them to understand what consent looks like, identify and communicate their boundaries and to respect them in others.

We have delivered workshops to over 30,000 young people across England and Wales with a hugely positive response. Our volunteers lead the students in simple, accessible conversations and interactive games that challenge harmful attitudes, reduce sexual offending rates and create a more responsible and respectful society from the grassroots up.

E: info@schoolsconsentproject.com

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Social Media Check

To meet the KCSIE guidelines for online checks for recruitment, Educational Trusts and schools need an efficient and cost-effective tool that ensures vetting is compliant and robust.

Social Media Check (SMC) is a fully automated solution that can check both public and private posts against a number of risk categories, returning an auditable report within the hour. SMC searches all posts across the major social media platforms using machine learning and algorithms, eliminating the need for manual searching or the possibility of unconscious bias. Social media checks can only be made with the consent of an individual, making it GDPR compliant.

Many MATS and schools are already using SMC. Visit our stand and register for your free report.

E: sales@socialmediacheck.com 
T: 01565 874 241

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The youHQ digital platform safeguards whole-school wellbeing and provides students and teachers with the tools to flourish.

Developed through in-school testing and trusted by thousands of users, youHQ helps create a practical and outstanding wellbeing environment.

youHQ user schools unlock meaningful insights into emotional health and pupil personal development - through our wellbeing questionnaires, values-based goalsetting, snapshot surveys, and CBT-style resources.

E: info@lifeontime.co.uk
T: 0330 133 2699

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Judicium Education

Judicium Education exists to improve the quality and affordability of robust legal advice for the education sector. With a passion for people, we have developed an unlimited support model that allows for flexibility, growth, and a wealth of knowledge from experts dedicated solely to helping make education better. Now, with over two decades supporting the education sector, Judicium Education has grown to cover 5 main core services: Employment Law & HR, Safeguarding, Data Protection, Health & Safety and Clerking & Governance…all of which work symbiotically.

Evin Menacer
E: evin.menacer@judicium.com
T: 0345 548 7000

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