Financial Management: Income Generation, Grants, Fundraising and Efficiencies - Digital

Friday 5 Mar 2021
Digital - 10am to 12 noon


Why is this masterclass relevant?

The past year has seen additional pressures and costs for school finance. Traditional fundraising methods have been hard to continue with Covid restrictions and new skills and ways of thinking are required to maintain building stock, procure contracts, ensure efficiency and generate revenue to get the most out of budgets. From new ways of digital fundraising, to getting the most out of income generation and learning about how to access grants and additional funding, this masterclass provides expert industry insight and practical strategies.

What can I expect?

In this two-hour interactive digital masterclasses, two education income generation specialists will share case studies and unpack strategies, giving you a wealth of creative methods to develop partnerships, generate income and apply effectively for grants. Benefit from new ways to engage your community in digital fundraising. Discuss, engage, and collaborate with other school finance and fundraising professionals and build your network of collegiate support.

Who should attend?

  • School Business Managers
  • Finance Officers
  • Bursars
  • Chief Finance Operators
  • Headteachers
  • Alumni and Development Officers
  • Marketing and Fundraising Officers

Part of the Leading Business Strategy masterclasses

Our masterclasses for education business, finance and marketing professionals provide expert insight and are packed with content and take-away strategies.

Book the whole suite, an individual masterclass, or mix and match to suit the needs of your school business community.