DPO Update training day - London

Thursday 9 Nov 2023
ILEC Conference Centre, London
Reduce risk, ensure a culture of compliance and avoid costly legal mistakes with this new training day for data protection leaders working in education.


What to expect:

Having an appropriately trained Data Protection Officer (DPO) is one of the key elements of GDPR compliance. It’s vital that you are kept up to date and able to evidence training for your data protection role.

Browne Jacobson and Optimus Education's one day DPO Update training course will ensure you are fully up to date with changes on the horizon and give you key insights to reduce risk and manage subject access requests and breach with confidence. Avoid costly legal mistakes and gain a network of education DPOs through this one-day London training course led by legal partner Dai Durbridge. 

This intensive and interactive training day is limited to 30 people to ensure you have a focused experience and the opportunity to have all your questions answered. The mix of interactive keynote presentations and workshops, with real life case studies to discuss in small groups, provide you with the right environment to put what you learn into practice.

All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance to be able to evidence training to the ICO.

  • Benefit from the latest updates from legal expert Dai Durbridge.
  • Be ahead of change on the horizon and understand how the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill will impact school DPOs.
  • Subject access requests - key tips to ensure strong process and procedure, reduce scope and avoid complaints.
  • Avoid and manage breaches.
  • Put your learning into action and take away tools to ensure a culture of compliance and avoid costly mistakes.

Informative, thought provoking, gives a clearer picture.

Trust Data Manager

Relevant, focused and informative in a really engaging manner with lots of time for questions. Excellent!

Business Manager


*Discounts available for Unlimited or Premium Plus members and also for Premium members. Contact your account manager for more information*