Supportive Behaviour Management - Programme

Wednesday 26 Feb 2020
IBIS, ILEC Conference Centre, London

09:00 to 09:40

09:40 to 09:55

10:00 to 10:40

10:00 – 10:40

Visible kindness and the importance of calm, consistent adult behaviours

Ollie Frith, Principal Trainer and Head of Training, Pivotal Education


10:35 to 11:05

10:35 – 11:05

Ensuring that behavioural expectations are communicated with clarity from the start of the year and are consistent throughout the whole-school framework.

Adele Bates, Behaviour and Education Specialist


11:05 to 11:25

11:05 – 11:25

The benefits of having structures in place to record and manage behaviour accurately, with a consistent school-wide approach.

Delton Francis, Groupcall 


11:25 to 11:35

11:35 to 12:15

12:15 to 13:05

12:15 – 13:05
Session 1A: Triggers and Trauma informed teaching

Looking at the reasons behind certain behaviours and the importance of knowing individual children.

Adele Bates, Behaviour and Education Specialist

12:15 – 13:05
Session 1B: Low Level Disruptions

Effective strategies to put into place to manage low level disruptions before they occur and manage them if they arise

Bill Fox, Behaviour and conflict specialist, Maybo

12:15 – 13:05
Session 1C: Social Media

Looking at the impact of social media on children’s behaviour and how having an online presence can affect their daily lives

Mel Standbrook, Chair of Governors, Spilsby Primary School


13:05 to 13:55

13:05 – 13:55

13:55 to 14:35

13:55 – 14:35
What happens when a whole county chooses a kind, consistent culture

Hear how a whole county (South Gloucestershire near Bristol) chose to ditch its exclusion habit. Find out what happened when 63 schools all chose to work together to create a kind, consistent culture.

Simon Botten, Headteacher Blackhorse Primary 


14:35 to 14:45

14:45 to 15:35

14:45 – 15:35
Session 2A: Parental Engagement

Engaging and working collaboratively with parents to improve behaviour and support children’s learning and development

Maureen Nash, LPPA Adviser and Verifier, National LPPA Team

14:45 – 15:35
Session 2B: Behaviour Strategies – Secondary Specific

Proactive strategies to implement that improve  behaviour and provide children with clarity around what is expected of them.

Bradley Nash, Headteacher, Henley Bank High School

14:45 – 15:35
Session 2C: Behaviour Strategies – Primary Specific

Tangible strategies and activities to take away that are Primary specific and promote good positive behaviours

Therese Hoyle, Head facilitator of Therese Hoyle consultancies


15:35 to 15:55

15:55 to 16:45

15:55 – 16:45
Session 3A: Wellbeing

The importance of providing consistency and the impact that this has on the wellbeing of students and teachers alike.

John Rees, Education Consultant

15:55 – 16:45
Session 3B: What's the alernative?

What strategies do high quality alternative provision settings use to manage behaviour?

Eleanor Bernardes, Head of Development and Opportunities, Aspire Schools Alternative Provision

