Rethinking lesson observation: From performance to professional learning - Programme

Thursday 4 May 2017
Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester

09:00 to 09:30

09:30 to 09:45

09:30 – 09:45
Welcome, introductions and context setting

Session 1: Welcome, introductions and context setting

Set your objectives and expectations for the day

Dr Matt O'Leary and Joanne Miles


09:45 to 11:00

09:45 – 11:00
Session 1: Contextualising the use of observation in education

Session 1: Contextualising the use of observation in education

• Diagnostic review: how is observation used in your workplace?
• Understanding observation: a review of current policy, practice and research

During this session you will reflect on and discuss with your peers how observation is used in your workplace, its impact and your thoughts on how you might improve it.

Dr Matt O'Leary


11:00 to 11:15

11:00 to 12:30

11:00 – 12:30
Session 2: Using observation to understand and improve teaching and learning

Session 2: Using observation to understand and improve teaching and learning

• To critically reflect on the role of the observer and observee in the observation process
• Explore and discuss how best to use observation as a form of inquiry
• Use observation as a catalyst for developing collegial understanding of what constitutes excellence in learning and teaching


12:30 to 13:15

12:30 – 13:15

13:15 to 14:00

13:15 – 14:00
Session 3: The features of an effective developmental observation process

Session 4: The features of an effective developmental, ungraded observation process

• Tips and techniques to foster the developmental ethos and mindset in your organisation
• Understand how to avoid common pitfalls in the implementation of developmental observations – effectively manage communication, process and approach
• Gain practical suggestions for maximising the effectiveness of your developmental observations


14:00 to 14:45

14:00 – 14:45
Session 4: The mindset and skill-set of the observer in a developmental lesson observation

Session 5: The mindset and skill-set of the observer in a developmental lesson observation

• What are the key skills needed in professional dialogue?
• Learn how to maximise opportunities for reflection and development after an observation
• Take away a model for the professional dialogue and learn how to incorporate coaching questions and follow up actions

In this session you will reflect on a self-assessment task to identify your strengths and areas for development as an observer

Joanne Miles


14:45 to 15:00

15:00 to 16:00

15:00 – 16:00
Session 5: Identify your key action points in a peer coaching activity

Session 5: Identify your key action points in a peer coaching activity

• Reflect on lesson observations in your context and identify key areas for review and development
• Share experiences with others and gain alternative practices to apply in your organisation

Leave this session with a clear action plan to take back to your organisation and implement your learnings from today

Joanne Miles

