This course explores how effective planning leads to effective teaching​ and the centrality of learning to the teaching process.

It includes an introduction to neuroscience and the basics of brain-based learning - as well as snapshots of the ideas of Rosenshine, Piaget, Vygotsky and others - to help develop an appreciation of the essentials of lesson planning.


Participants will:

  • understand more about how the brain works and Cognitive Load Theory as a basis for what is happening for the pupil
  • understand how to adapt their teaching successfully so the needs of all pupils are met
  • understand how success criteria can be used to support learning and differentiation
  • understand the importance of effective questioning and a purposeful lesson summary. 

Course content

  • Unit 1: Good learning and good learning objectives
    • Unit 2: Adaptive teaching
      • Unit 3: Success criteria
        • Unit 4: Questions, summaries and structure
          • Unit 5: Review and next steps


            John is a full-time writer, teacher trainer and consultant with Adept Education Associates. He served for 28 years as a primary headteacher and has led five schools including a successful training school and a large coastal school. He has...