Establishing or Joining Multi-Academy Trusts

Wednesday 29 Nov 2017
Holiday Inn Wembley, London

With the dust still settling on the recent election, school leaders will undoubtedly face further turbulence and uncertainty. It is likely however, that the national trend towards more and larger multi-academy trusts is set to continue.

A ‘marriage without divorce’ it may be, but if the correct decision is made, your school, and the outcomes of your students, could benefit hugely as part of a formal partnership.

But, do you know what questions to ask of potential partners?
Do you have the legal and financial expertise to set up your own MAT?
And can you avoid the common pitfalls of establishing or joining a multi-academy trust?

It is imperative that as a school or academy, you make the right decisions for your students and staff and guide your school into a beneficial partnership that suits your existing ethos and direction of travel.

This event will provide factual, unbiased and legal guidance to ensure you’re supported throughout the process.

Learning outcomes - what can I expect?

  • Clarify the latest government proposals for schools, academies and MATs following the upcoming election
  • Understand and debate the benefits and potential challenges of MATs as well as the pros and cons of joining or creating a MAT
  • Gain access to top educational lawyers, ask crucial questions and ensure you remain compliant
  • Identify your non-negotiables, know what to look for in a potential partner and leave with the key questions to ask during the process

Who should attend?

This event is an opportunity for all schools and academies who have made the decision to join or form a MAT, as well as those exploring potential options moving forward.

  • Headteachers
  • Principals
  • School Business Managers
  • Finance managers
  • School Governors
  • Deputy Headteachers & Vice Principals
