- Latest NewsUp-to-date articles giving you information on best practice and policy changes.
- Skills AuditsEvaluate your skills and knowledge, identify gaps and determine training needs.
CPD for TAs and LSAs: where to get started
Start with your skills audit to self-evaluate your skills.
Certified training for Premium and Premium+ members
Further courses to help you develop your teaching skills:
- Accelerate Progress with Metacognition
- Differentiation for Catch-up
- Differentiation in Practice
- EAL for Classroom Teachers
- Teaching Assistants: Successful Classroom Partnerships
- Teacher Development Programme
Keep your wellbeing in check during your time at home:
Planning your CPD
Develop your classroom techniques
- Developing independent learning: strategies for teachers and TAs
- Effective TA interventions: the process in practice
- Five tips for effective feedback
- The deployment of TAs: a case study
- Using formative assessment to improve teaching
Further develop your understanding and strategies for dealing with specific SEND needs.
- A practical guide to teaching children with dyslexia
- Empowering girls with autism: advice for mainstream schools
- How to get the best out of pupils with ASD
- Spotting the signs: identifying and supporting pupils with OCD
- Supporting pupils with attachment disorder: a whole school approach
- Supporting pupils with SEMH needs
- Understanding sensory processing disorder
- Video CPD: Evidence-based approaches to classroom SEND provision
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