Middle Leadership Essentials - On the day

Tuesday 22 Nov 2016
Broadway House, London

09:00 to 09:30

09:30 to 10:15

09:30 – 10:15
Introduction and context setting

Welcome, introduction and context setting

  • Set your objectives and expectations for the day
  • Reflect on previous training units 1-4 with your peers, discuss the challenges you’ve faced and share your team vision for improvement
  • Introduction to your self-directed project and how to identify potential leadership skills you would like to improve

Donna Westwood, development coach, facilitator and writer


10:15 to 11:30

10:15 – 11:30
Difficult conversations

Understand how to have difficult conversations whilst maintaining positive relationships with staff

  • Manage the transition from classroom teacher to line manager, developing rapport and empathy with your new team
  • Understand how to hold a difficult conversation sensitively and learn how to identify and overcome current barriers
  • Alter your management style to suit challenging situations and maintain positive relationships

Donna Westwood, development coach, facilitator and writer


11:30 to 11:45

11:45 to 13:00

11:45 – 13:00
Coaching and mentoring

Embed coaching and mentoring into every day practice across your school to encourage open and constructive conversations with all staff

  • Explore the differences between coaching and mentoring, when to use them and the impact each can have on your team
  • Take away a model for professional dialogue and learn how to incorporate coaching questions and useful follow-up tips
  • Develop a clear system for accountability and feedback that revolves around open, honest and regular communication

Dr Sharon Williams


13:00 to 14:00

13:00 – 14:00

14:00 to 15:00

14:00 – 15:00
Self-directed project

Set out your self-directed projects to improve your leadership skills and drive progress across your department


15:00 to 15:15

15:15 to 16:15

15:15 – 16:15
Working with senior leaders

Skills and strategies to align your priorities with those of the senior leadership team and make your mark as a middle leader

  • Gain strategies to align your priorities with the overall strategic direction of the school
  • Develop the skills to present effectively to senior leaders and know what language to adopt to demonstrate progress
  • Increase your visibility across school and gain the practical skills to fulfill expectations as an effective middle leader

Dr Sharon Williams

