Celebrating Diversity and Promoting Equality in Schools - Programme

Thursday 23 Feb 2017
Park Crescent Conference Centre, London

09:00 to 09:45

09:45 to 10:00

10:00 to 10:40

10:00 – 10:40
Celebrate diversity, encourage respect and promote equality

Create a whole-school culture in which students, staff and the school community work together to create an environment of inclusivity through effective SMSC and Character Education

Know how to talk to your students about inappropriate and discriminative language and provide all staff with the confidence to address the boundaries

Andrew Moffat, Assistant Headteacher, Parkfield Community School


10:40 to 11:20

11:20 to 11:30

11:30 to 12:00

12:00 to 12:50

12:00 – 12:50
Curriculum - Secondary

Equip all staff with the skills to identify opportunities to weave SMSC, character education and British values into subjects and across the curriculum in your secondary school

Gain access to additional resources on how the four British values can be incorporated into the curriculum

12:00 – 12:50

Creating a culture of inclusion: Learn new ways to lead classroom discussions on discrimination, prejudice, beliefs and values to encourage open mindedness

Joshua Hunt, Chaplain, Felixstowe Academy


12:50 to 13:50

12:50 – 13:50

13:50 to 14:20

13:50 – 14:20

How Ofsted makes judgements about the effectiveness of schools’ SMSC provision

- Explore what constitutes effective and inclusive SMSC provision
- Consider how to highlight and evidence good SMSC outcomes in your school

Plus, take away a template grid for evidencing SMSC to use back in your school

John Rees, Education Consultant


14:20 to 14:30

14:30 to 15:20

14:30 – 15:20
Curriculum - Primary

Proven methods to enable all staff to embed SMSC, character education and British values across the curriculum to ensure all opportunities are explored for pupils’ wider development

Plus, take away collation of case studies to reinforce learning about effective and whole-school SMSC

Michael Walsh, Headteacher, St. Mary's Church of England Primary Academy

14:30 – 15:20
Preventing Discrimination & Bullying

Creating a culture of inclusion:

Learn new ways to lead classroom discussions on discrimination, prejudice, beliefs and values to prevent and tackle prejudice-based bullying and encourage open mindedness amongst your students

Joshua Hunt, Chaplain, Felixstowe Academy


15:20 to 15:40

15:40 to 16:30

15:40 – 16:30
Measuring Impact

Can you measure character?

New methods to assess the impact of SMSC and Character Education throughout your school to enable you to measure impact on engagement, attitudes and behaviours

Lynn Knapp, Headteacher, Windmill Primary School

15:40 – 16:30
Teaching Diversity

Teaching diversity in non-diverse schools: Proven methods to engage staff and students through SMSC and a values-based education to create a classroom environment that is culturally inclusive

