SEND Provision - London - Programme

Tuesday 14 May 2024
America Square Conference Centre, London

Confidently support students with additional need with high-quality teaching and pastoral support, built upon a foundation of strong and compassionate relationships with students and families.


Registration, refreshments and networking (08:30)

Welcome and housekeeping (09:15)

Chair’s welcome (09:20)

Sam Garner, Mental Health & Inclusion Consultant, Founder of Balanced People

SEND Improvement and AP plan update (09:30)

Hear the latest updates from the SEND and AP plan, and gain clarity on changes that could affect your practice.

Lorraine Petersen OBE, Educational Consultant

Co-occurrence of SEND and SEMH need (10:00)

Children with SEND are more likely to develop mental health issues in school; how can you spot, support and prevent these needs, whilst supporting their academic success?

Karl Pupé, Education Consultant, Teacher & Author of 'The Action Hero Teacher'

Questions and answers (10:30)

Morning refreshments, networking, and exhibition (10:55 – 11:35)

Workshop choices (11:35 – 12:25)

1A. Understand your entitlement of funding

Manage budgets and funding effectively to provide high-quality provision.

Ginny Bootman, Special needs co-ordinator and Author

1B. Utilise hybrid learning to support inclusion

Support students at risk of exclusion or frequent absence with hybrid learning that helps boost confidence and a return to the classroom.

Alessandro Capozzi, Executive Headteacher, Academy21

Ray Boxall, Head of SEND Services, Kings InterHigh

1C. Hearing the child’s voice at the heart of SEMH intervention

With children’s mental health at a critical level, hearing the child’s voice and their experience of the world is vital for them to feel safe and able to develop the essential social and emotional skills for life and learning.

This workshop focuses on the experience of primary aged children in the Hamish & Milo programme and demonstrates the impact and importance of trusted adults, comprehensive SEMH programmes with child’s voice at the core. Research conducted by the University of Bath will be featured.

Clare Williams, Primary Teacher, Author and Educational Psychotherapist, Hamish & Milo

Lunch, networking, and exhibition (12:25 – 13:15)

Workshop choices (13:15 – 14:05)

2A. Self-evaluate your SEND provision

Review and evaluate your current provision, outlining areas of excellence and opportunities for improvement.

Natalie Packer, Education Consultant, SEND

2B. Build the confidence of your teaching team

Upskill your teaching team with inclusive strategies to boost their confidence in teaching students with SEND.

Sam Garner, Mental Health & Inclusion Consultant, Founder of Balanced People

2C. Understand drivers of absence, and how to support attendance

Gain new initiatives for supporting attendance of your students with SEND and gain greater insight into drivers of absence from ImpactEd Evaluation's latest report.

Owen Carter, Co-Founder and Managing Director, ImpactEd Evaluation

Workshop choices 3 (14:10 – 15:00)

3A. Support EHC Plan Applications

Gain clarity on common myths and expectations when writing and applying for an EHCP.

Delyth Hughes, SEND and EHCP Consultant

3B. Engage families from ethnic minority communities

Effectively engage parents from ethnic minority communities to collaborate and support your SEND provision.

Heba Al-Jayoosi, Assistant Head, Deputy Regional Lead, NASEN Whole School SEND

3C. Empowering ADHD Students: Practical Strategies for Classroom Success

Deepen your understanding of the ADHD brain and leave with actionable strategies to effectively support your students.

Emma Shackleton, Primary Teacher, SEMH and Behaviour Consultant, Co-host of School Behaviour Secrets Podcast and Founder, Beacon School Support

Afternoon refreshments, networking and exhibition (15:00 - 15:20)

Flexible seating as a whole school adaptation for all pupils (15:20)

Learn from a collaborative research study Heba co-led with the research team at UCL, evaluating the use of flexible seating as a universal adaptation for all pupils.

Heba Al-Jayoosi, Assistant Head, Deputy Regional Lead, NASEN Whole School SEND

Build compassionate relationships with your students and yourself (15:45)

Discover the importance of compassionate relationships, and how they benefit your students and yourself.

Sam Garner, Mental Health & Inclusion Consultant, Founder of Balanced People

Conference closes (16:10)