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This unit is about introducing staff to the school's anti-bullying policy. The aim is for staff to be familiar with their school's policy, clarify procedures and expectations, and ensure they have ownership over it.

The unit also explores the difference between bullying and 'banter' or teasing between pupils and how they can address this differently from actual bullying. It does not mean you should ignore banter or teasing, as such teasing can often get out of hand, be hurtful and no longer be fun. This needs addressing but in a different way from actual bullying.

You will also trial a model for responding to bullying incidents, which you can adopt and use alongside your school policy if desired.

Aims and outcomes

  • Know and model the school policy and apply it consistently.
  • Model positive interactions between yourself and pupils and other adults.
  • Recognise the difference between 'banter' and other problematic language.
  • Know when and how to react when you see signs of prejudice-based bullying.

Unit content

Unit 3: Using the school anti-bullying policy