Step 6: Sustaining culture

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(15 min)

Trainer notes

Allocate one question from slide 8 to each group for discussion. Invite them to mind map what individual contributions can be and the impact this might have on whole-school wellbeing.

Explore what can be done as a whole staff (if a small primary school) or what can be done in departments (if a secondary school).

Ask groups to feed back, and note ideas on a flipchart for the wellbeing forum.

Discuss and agree your definition of ‘flourishing’ for your school. Share the definition on slide 8 with Write it on the flipchart for the wellbeing forum mission statement.

Flourishing is a positive psychology concept which is a measure of overall life wellbeing and is viewed as important to the idea of happiness. It incorporates many other concepts in the positive psychology field such as cultivating strengths, subjective wellbeing, positive work spaces, etc.