Step 1: Prioritisation

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(15 min)

Trainer notes

Clarify the objective for the final unit – To leave with clear whole-school and personal wellbeing plans.

Ask participants to stand up, have a stretch and to literally brush off any negativity that may be stuck to them by repeating a sweeping motion down their body, including their arms, legs, back and front.

Explain that you will be following on from last unit and developing practical strategies to improve whole-school wellbeing. Emphasise how much you value their input.

Using slide 2, in groups of four to six, invite participants to debate the high-priority stressors in the school that need addressing and to decide on the top three school stress reduction priorities.

Repeat the process to establish the top three school wellbeing initiative priorities they would like to see implemented.

For example:

  1. There isn’t enough time for movement between lessons
  2. There are not enough male toilet facilities
  3. Noise levels are a concern.

Record the findings on a flipchart.