Step 4: Meaningful change and plenary

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(15 min)

Trainer notes

Invite staff to consider ONE thing they would like to do to improve their wellbeing in each category: mind, body and heart as on Handout 4.1: Making changes. Ask them to take this away and reflect on what they can do to help themselves. Introduce the wellbeing buddy system and encourage staff to buddy up, support each other and hold their buddy accountable.

Share Handout 1.3: Text codes for wellbeing buddies as one idea to raise awareness and support that is easy and quick.


Participants are to reflect on the unit:

  • What they have learned about themselves?
  • What have they learned about wellbeing strategies?
  • What have they learned about their ability to address stress through the Power Breath?

Give them a few moments to share with a partner and then group-share the benefits of participating in the unit. Remember to take photographs of all flipcharts from this unit for future planning.

Play Video clip 4.1: The Teachers’ Perspective. Ask participants to watch the video and consider the strategies described by staff at Eagle House School. In particular ask them to listen for the benefits that staff have experienced as a result of their work on wellbeing.