Step 2: Staff stressors

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(20 min)

Trainer notes

Compare and discuss the participants’ completed Handout 1.4: Stressors questionnaire. Invite participants to list what they believe are the top five stressors for staff from slide 6.

List and prioritise the main stressors on a flipchart. Mind map practical ways in which the SLT can exhibit caring core values (such as showing staff they care about their wellbeing and appreciate the pressure) to support staff.


  • personal connection
  • informal check ins (especially if a staff member hasn’t been seen in the staff room for a while)
  • open door/open ears availability (formal and informal listening)
  • unspoken support such as body language and smiling
  • gestures of praise (thumbs up as you pop your head into their classroom).

This mind map serves to raise awareness about how the simplest of behavioural changes can gain emotional loyalty and ease stress especially when undergoing change.