Step 1: Review and SLT influence

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(15 min)

Trainer notes

First 15 minutes: ask for individual feedback from each SLT member regarding their awareness and experience of stressors since Unit 1, as on slide 2. Ask them to refer to their Stressometer (Handout 1.2: My Stressometer) notes. Clarify objectives for Unit 2 from slide 3.

Distribute Handout 2.1: The Hawthorne Effect. Ask the group to read the social study outline by Elton Mayo on efficiency and wellbeing on slide 4. Open a brief group discussion as to how understanding the main findings will influence the way the SLT interact with their staff.

Distribute Handout 2.2: Core values. In pairs pick five core values for each category. Rank them 1-5 in the grid. Show participants the sample handout on slide 5. Invite feedback to the group. Record findings on a flipchart and encourage explanations for the rankings given.