
Tackling In-School Variation: Strategies for raising achievement and narrowing gaps

Tackling In-School Variation: Strategies for raising achievement and narrowing gaps

May 2013


In-school variation is the bane of British education

Proclaimed a TES headline in October 2011

Tackling In-School Variation: Strategies for raising achievement and narrowing gaps provides a six-step, practical approach to tackling in-school variation.

  • Analyse the data and ask the right questions.
  • Identify what's working well – and why.
  • Communicate your findings to staff.
  • Strengthen the leaderships skills of your middle leaders.
  • Learn from each other – and put that learning into practice.
  • Evaluate progress and plan for further improvement.


Tackling In-School Variation: Strategies for raising achievement and narrowing gaps will take you through the process of:

  • understand what is happening in classrooms which leads to variation, using lesson observations, learning walks, or pupil focus groups
  • effectively analyse your school data to build an in-depth picture of the performance of different areas
  • highlight the most effective areas of the school and look for patterns in methods of working
  • identify transferable practice, where effective practice can be shared and learnt from
  • highlight areas requiring improvement that can be made better with support
  • ensure your middle leaders have the skills and confidence to lead change and address performance issues
  • enable middle leaders to identify models for sharing and developing best practice
  • focus on strategies that ensure consistently good or outstanding teaching and learning across the curriculum
  • foster a climate of support and challenge where the highest performing subjects share good practice and the less well performing ones are supported to improve.

Why buy an Optimus Education DIY Training resource?

Tackling In-School Variation: Strategies for raising achievement and narrowing gaps is part of the Optimus Education D-I-Y (deliver it yourself) training portfolio. Our D-I-Y training packages provide:

  • value for money – training sessions can be delivered multiple times to different groups of staff
  • comprehensive training materials – detailed training plans, presentations, handouts and a variety of practical activities to engage participants are all provided in the package
  • flexibility – training sessions can be customised with case studies, questions or exercises which are specific to your school’s needs
  • excellent quality – the training materials have been written by experienced trainers with expertise in the topic area; you benefit from their knowledge and guidance
  • measurable outcomes – each package includes ways to monitor effectiveness and learning outcomes.


Summary of contents

Training session 1: Where are we now? What does the data say?

This session looks at identifying in detail what the performance data (and other relevant data) can tell you about your school: where is progress good and where could it be better?

Learning outcomes

  • Participants are confident in using the data available to them to analyse variations in performance across the school, avoiding incorrect assumptions.
  • Participants have identified areas of strength in the schools as well as areas for improvement and started to plan next steps from a more practical perspective.

Training session 2: How does practice compare to the data? What is the triangulation?

In this session senior leaders build up a more in-depth picture of performance of different areas of the school, looking particularly at why some areas are performing more strongly or weakly than others.

Learning outcomes

  • Participants to identify a set of ‘success factors’ for their school or context and understand why and how these work.
  • Participants to agree on some specific targets or changes that they want to happen.

Training session 3: What do we need to do? How do we work with middle leaders?

Exploring in-school variation can cause anxiety for staff. This short session is an opportunity to clarify what needs to be done to progress the school and how this will be communicated to team leaders.

Learning outcomes

  • Participants have agreed plans for bringing about changes, giving a firm foundation for the next two training sessions.
  • Participants have an agreed communications strategy for talking to middle leaders about next steps.

Training session 4: What skills are required for improvement?

This session concentrates on the skills required by middle leaders to reduce in-school variation, giving greater confidence in leading change and addressing performance issues in their teams.

Learning outcomes

  • Participants have identified ways in which they can lead and support their teams in bringing about positive change.
  • Participants are more confident in their strategies for addressing underperformance in their team.

Training session 5: How can we learn from others?

The purpose of this session is for participants to learn more about and agree on strategies for learning from what works. This could be done within the school, or where schools work in clusters it could involve visits to partner schools.

Learning outcomes

  • Participants agree on areas of focus for them and plan how they will investigate it – for example through observations or learning walks.
  • Participants agree how and when they will report back on their findings and resulting actions.

Training session 6: What has worked? What needs further development?

This session gives the senior team the opportunity to reflect on the project that they have been engaged in and to identify what tangible benefits have been seen as a result, as well as explore where further action is needed.

Learning outcomes

  • Participants to identify, share and celebrate successes so far.
  • Participants to identify where initial targets are possibly slipping and agree on actions to keep them on track.

About the expert

Paul Ainsworth is the acting principal of an 11–16 comprehensive school. He writes for a range of publications and has authored several books, including The School Partnership Handbook and The Senior Leader's Yearbook: A handbook for implementing outstanding school systems.


  • A4 Ringbinder, c. 80 pages
  • CD-ROM containing PowerPoint presentations and accompanying resources


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