
Evaluating Teacher Performance: Ensuring evaluations are fair, productive and consistent

Evaluating Teacher Performance: Ensuring evaluations are fair, productive and consistent

Primary, Secondary
May 2014


‘The effective monitoring and evaluation of teaching is central to the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of teaching in a school.’

Teacher Evaluation, OECD, 2009

Like pupils, teachers need good-quality and objective feedback to know how to improve. Now that performance is also linked to pay, it is more important than ever that line managers responsible for evaluating teacher performance are able to do so in a way that is clear, objective, consistent across the school and helpful to the teachers concerned.


This training pack will help you and your line managers to:

  • establish a robust and transparent school-wide system for evaluating teaching
  • demonstrate how to use pupil data in the context of teacher evaluation
  • consider what to look for in and how to conduct lesson observations
  • suggest how you could collect and use pupil feedback in your evaluations
  • know how to put all the evidence together when considering pay progression.

Why buy an Optimus Education DIY Training resource?

Evaluating Teacher Performance: Ensuring evaluations are fair, productive and consistent is part of the Optimus Education D-I-Y (deliver it yourself) training portfolio. Our D-I-Y training packs provide:

  • value for money – training sessions can be delivered multiple times to different groups of staff
  • comprehensive training materials – detailed training plans, presentations, handouts and a variety of practical activities to engage participants are all provided in the package
  • flexibility – training sessions can be customised with case studies, questions or exercises which are specific to your school’s needs
  • excellent quality – the training materials have been written by experienced trainers with expertise in the topic area; you benefit from their knowledge and guidance
  • measurable outcomes – each package includes ways to monitor effectiveness and learning outcomes.



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