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The SEND Code of Practice highlights the importance of keeping parents and their children central to our thinking and decision making.

Further, early identification of a child’s needs increases the effectiveness of interventions and involvement of appropriate professionals beyond the setting.

The integrated review that takes places when the child is between two and three years old is a key event in our relationship with parents to review progress, strengths and areas for concern.

The graduated approach, using the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle provides a supportive framework for shared problem solving and planning to meet each child’s individual needs.

Aims and outcomes

Participants will learn how to:

  • recognise need: how to recognise when a child has a difficulty with learning
  • understand the type of need: clarify the difference between developmental delay and SEN
  • gather evidence to inform interventions: know how to gather evidence about a child’s current learning
  • clarify how to share and solve problems: gain guidelines on the importance of sharing the thinking and problem solving process with families.

Unit content

Unit 1: Early identification of need