e-safety podcast: a whole school approach to e-safety

Alan Mackenzie discusses how to implement a whole school approach to e-safety to ensure that e-safety is everyone’s responsibility

Author details

For seven years, Alan Mackenzie was the service manager at Lincolnshire County Council, where he managed all IT services for around 350 schools. He was also the e-safety lead for Children's Services, raising initiatives for schools, police and...

During the podcast Alan identifies that in some schools e-safety is still seen as an ICT issue, rather than a safeguarding concern. 

Any safeguarding concern needs to be taken seriously and the staff member responsible must have adequate training. 

Your school's e-safety policy can create a standardised approach to how e-safety concerns are handled and all key roles in this area should work together to achieve this.

Alan lists the key roles as:

  • the governing body
  • the senior leadership team
  • the ICT coordinator
  • the pastoral team.

You can download Alan’s checklist to help plan a whole school approach to e-safety in your school.


Last Updated: 
21 Jul 2015