How would you deal with an underperforming member of staff? It’s an uncomfortable issue for many school leaders and it’s tough to know how best to proceed. With the increasingly vigilant Ofsted inspections, school leaders are under more pressure than ever to ensure that their staff are meeting the expected level of performance.

This course is divided into four units designed to lead you through the challenging process of tackling underperformance.

aims and outcomes

  • Identify underperforming staff and formulate an action plan.
  • Discover how to seek out and enact constructive, positive solutions to underperformance.
  • Learn how to handle conflict calmly and constructively.
  • Understand how to be empathetic and robust in your emotional responses.
  • Find out how to carry out a ‘courageous conversation’ in more difficult circumstances.

Course content

  • Unit 1: Identifying underperformance
  • Unit 2: Conflict and your emotional response
  • Unit 3: The coaching conversation
  • Unit 4: The courageous conversation


Caroline is the Head of School Business Strategy and Resources at Miles Coverdale Primary School in London. 

Edward is a dynamic facilitator and coach with extensive experience in educational consultancy. A former headteacher with 25 years' teaching experience, he has been a highly successful freelance educational consultant for 7 years, specialising in...