
Promoting Staff Wellbeing and Engagement: Supporting staff to excel in the classroom

Promoting Staff Wellbeing and Engagement: Supporting staff to excel in the classroom

Primary, Secondary
Oct 2013


‘Just over two-thirds of teachers said they felt professional morale had fallen since the last general election. Morale among academy teachers was notably poor, with 62% describing it as low or very low.’

YouGov survey for NUT, January 2013

This DIY training resource will enable school leaders to develop a fit and flourishing workforce by giving you the skills and tools to implement sustainable wellbeing measures that generate consistency in the teaching team, improved teaching and learning and successful outcomes for the school and the achievement of pupils.


Promoting Staff Wellbeing and Engagement will support you and your school to:

  • develop your own wellbeing agenda that meets the needs of your staff, pupils and school
  • self-regulate and lead by example using personal and professional wellbeing strategies
  • improve teacher delivery with emotionally and physically healthy staff who excel in the classroom
  • enable consistency in the teaching team through increased emotional loyalty and staff retention
  • enable successful growth of your school by embracing and managing change successfully
  • sustain energy levels with strategies to help manage teaching, planning and personal time
  • promote a positive work and mental health ethos to pupils.

Why buy an Optimus Education DIY Training resource?

Promoting Staff Wellbeing and Engagement: Supporting staff to excel in the classroom is part of the Optimus Education D-I-Y (deliver it yourself) training portfolio. Our D-I-Y training packages provide:

  • value for money – training sessions can be delivered multiple times to different groups of staff
  • comprehensive training materials – detailed training plans, presentations, handouts and a variety of practical activities to engage participants are all provided in the package
  • flexibility – training sessions can be customised with case studies, questions or exercises which are specific to your school’s needs
  • excellent quality – the training materials have been written by experienced trainers with expertise in the topic area; you benefit from their knowledge and guidance
  • measurable outcomes – each package includes ways to monitor effectiveness and learning outcomes.


Summary of contents

Promoting staff wellbeing and engagement is designed to be a springboard to applying wellbeing practices to enhance the energy and wellbeing of your school community.  The 5 sessions offer an opportunity for your team to explore the possibilities of improving wellbeing and create a healthier working environment.

  • Enhance performance with healthy staff who excel
  • Enable growth by embracing change
  • Lead a reflective, resilient workforce
  • Develop a whole-school wellbeing culture

Training session breakdown

Training session 1 – School ethos and policy – for senior leaders

Learning outcomes:

  • investigate and understand stress
  • recognise what triggers stress
  • consider the working environment in your school
  • consider the wellbeing ethos
  • evaluate what has recently changed (for better or worse)
  • consider what measures there are already in place to anticipate and reduce apparent, potential and genuine stress levels in your staff.

Training session 2 – Leading change and what to consider – for senior leaders

Learning outcomes:

  • appreciate the impact and influence SLT have on staff performance
  • understand that change can be experienced as a stressor or stimulator
  • explore the main stressors in your school
  • consider possible staff perception that senior leaders are generators of stress for staff and how best to address this
  • prepare for a whole-staff wellbeing audit.

Training session 3 – Managing stress – for all staff

Learning outcomes:

  • appreciate your value as a staff member
  • understand what stress is
  • explore the causes of stress
  • recognise stress signals
  • develop strategies to counteract stress and build personal resilience
  • have fun!

Training session 4 – Solution-focused wellbeing strategies – for all staff

Learning outcomes:

  • unearth the underlying problems that trigger stress in the school
  • assess the coping strategies already in place
  • explore alternative wellbeing strategies
  • investigate “Unfreakability” and what that looks like in a teacher
  • discover the secrets of Power breathing

Training session 5 – Promoting and sustaining a wellbeing culture – for senior leaders

Learning outcomes:

  • evaluate long-term objectives
  • assess whole-school and personal priorities
  • explore effective energy and time management
  • examine wellbeing sustainability.

About the expert

Kathryn Lovewell has taught inside and outside mainstream education for 20 years, including over three years in prison education.  She specialises in Emotional Resilience and is passionate about the benefits of Mindfulness to promote health and well-being.  She provides a unique approach to help senior leaders, teachers and support staff to manage their stress healthily and to effectively cope with the ever increasing emotional and psychological demands of teaching by enabling them to embrace a balanced perspective and gain skills to communicate and respond mindfully to challenging situations.


  • A4 Ringbinder, c. 80 pages
  • CD-ROM containing PowerPoint presentations and accompanying resources


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