
Outstanding Pupil Progress: Ensuring sustained learning progression for all

Outstanding Pupil Progress: Ensuring sustained learning progression for all

Primary, Secondary
Dec 2012


Please note: this training material makes reference to National Curriculum levels. National Curriculum levels are no longer in use; however, much of the content in this training remains useful.

How to link data and teaching strategies to ensure learner progress

The latest version of Ofsted’s School Inspection Handbook demands an intense focus on the use of data to track progress, improve the quality of teaching and learning and maximise its impact on learner progress. However, the non-linear nature of pupil progress makes it difficult to track and to produce the expected achievement.  So what can we do to ensure that pupils make progress and that we can evidence that progress clearly? 

For teachers, this means rigorous analysis of data, planning for progress to happen, quick identification of underachievement and careful monitoring of individuals to make sure they’re on track. Outstanding Pupil Progress is a complete training resource that explains the links between effective data tracking and planning in teaching for progression, enabling teachers to link data to teaching strategies that ensure progression for every pupil.


The sessions enable staff to evaluate how current practices, processes and communication strategies are impacting on learner progress, and to identify strategies which could be implemented to improve progress in key areas.  The course also teaches participants how to build productive working relationships with learners and parents in order to maximise progress.

People who take this course will be able to:

  • Understand the key elements of practice which contribute to learner progress.
  • Identify appropriate data to support teaching for progress by improving teacher access to and understanding of data.
  • Increase the effectiveness and accuracy of tracking progress by enhancing data analysis skills.
  • Employ proven teaching strategies such as challenge, feedback and questioning.
  • Use the focus on promoting progress to raise the quality of teaching and learning.
  • Implement  learner and parental engagement strategies to promote increased and sustained progress.
  • Enhance the quality of planning for learning so that the right support is provided for each pupil.

Why buy an Optimus Education DIY Training resource?

Outstanding Pupil Progress is part of the Optimus Education D-I-Y (deliver it yourself) training portfolio. Our D-I-Y training packages provide:

  • value for money – training sessions can be delivered multiple times to different groups of staff
  • comprehensive training materials – detailed training plans, presentations, handouts and a variety of practical activities to engage participants are all provided in the package
  • flexibility – training sessions can be customised with case studies, questions or exercises which are specific to your school’s needs
  • excellent quality – the training materials have been written by experienced trainers with expertise in the topic area; you benefit from their knowledge and guidance
  • measurable outcomes – each package includes ways to monitor effectiveness and learning outcomes.


Summary of contents

Outstanding Pupil Progress consists of five training sessions that will enable your teaching staff to:

  • Plan a realistic trajectory for each pupil by understanding the data
  • Clarify their understanding of how progress looks over a key stage
  • Create a series of learning experiences where progress is tracked rigorously
  • Personalise learning to provide the right support at the right time

Session Breakdown

Training Session 1 – Senior leader’s overview

Learning Outcomes:

  • Gain an overview of how outstanding progress can be achieved at a whole-school level
  • Reflect on the nature of progress and how it is assessed
  • Understand the implications of targets for the school, individual learners and teaching staff
  • Reflect on current practices and their impact on progress
  • Consider the practices necessary to achieve outstanding progress

Training Session 2 – Data Analysis, Tracking and target setting

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand what constitutes good and outstanding progress
  • Reflect on current use of data to promote progress
  • Understand the value and the limitations of the data they have available
  • Understand how data can be used to effect progress
  • Understand the implications of target-setting processes

Training Session 3 – Planning and tracking for progress

Learning Outcomes:

  • Reflect on the implications of the targets set for individual learners, and how this relates to progression within the subject
  • Analyse progression to identify where there are likely to be opportunities for accelerated progress, and where progress might be anticipated to be slower
  • Clarify the links in your subject between planning for numerical progress and curricular progress
  • Begin to develop strategies for evidencing progress in learning to underpin numerical data

Training Session 4 – Essential strategies for teaching to promote progress

Learning Outcomes:

  • Reflect on key aspects of teaching for progress
  • Explore possible strategies for promoting progress within each aspect
  • Explore how strategies such as challenge, feedback and questioning can contribute to learner progress
  • Reflect on, and evaluate own and whole-school practices

Training Session 5 – Stakeholder engagement

Learning Outcomes:

  • Improved communication between stakeholders
  • Increased engagement of learners in their own progress
  • Increased engagement of parents and carers in learner progress

About the expert

Yvonne Lewington has a wealth of teaching, training and school improvement experience across primary, middle and secondary schools. She works with schools, local authorities and other organisations to support school improvement, change management and transformation of learning.


  • A4 Ringbinder
  • CD-ROM containing PowerPoint presentations and accompanying resources
  • Presentations, handouts and any other editable resources are provided on a CD-ROM.


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