Model policies: our approach to creating and updating

Working with our partners, education lawyers Browne Jacobson, we have taken a pragmatic approach to creating our model policies to ensure they are user-friendly, coherent and adaptable for each setting.

All required, appropriate information is included to ensure our policies comply with legal guidance and regulations.

Where organisations would like to add detail relating to specific processes or procedures they are able to do so, as described in the blue advisory boxes within each policy.

We advise against overloading policies with process or detail which you are committed to following on every occasion.

Our policies are designed to be read by a range of stakeholders and every effort is made to ensure they are easily digestible and editable where appropriate.

All statutory policies have been through a rigorous quality assurance process and legal review and approval by Browne Jacobson. They are updated at least annually, and when changes are made to relevant legislation.